2018 TBR Reading Challenge

One of the blogs I follow, RoofbeamReader, has an annual challenge (except when he was writing his dissertation, which I totally get) to help people weed out all those books that have been sitting around for more than a year begging to be read. I have participated other years, and decided to opt in again. I am trying to replace fiddling with electronics at bedtime with reading a book instead, and so I am actually dipping back in to my vast supply of books on paper in addition to my audiobooks.

So I have to commit to 12 up front, which is hard, but I’m doing some challenges on goodreads which have given me a bit of a path to follow. Here are my choices (and the alternates in case some are too awful to keep going):

  1. A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov
  2. Midaq Alley by Naguib Mahfouz
  3. The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
  4. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
  5. Henderson the Rain King by Saul Bellow
  6. Surfacing by Margaret Atwood
  7. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon
  8. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Benieres
  9. Giants in the Earth by E. O. Rolvang
  10. The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver
  11.  The  Winter Vault by Anne Michaels
  12. Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin

And for alternates:

  1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
  2. Kim by Rudyard Kipling

I think I’m most likely to chicken out of #12, but I need it for a Goodreads challenge, so it may last.

Wish me luck!

About Beth Parks Aronson

I am Director of the Lamar University Psychology Clinic and run the clinical track of the Applied Psychology Masters Program. Previously, I was a psychologist in private practice in Jenkintown, PA where I specialized in anxiety disorders and working with people living with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. I am a little addicted to good literature. Ok, a lot addicted.
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4 Responses to 2018 TBR Reading Challenge

  1. Fanda says:

    Great list, Beth!
    I wish you would read Kim eventually; it’s my favorite from Kipling.
    Just curious, isn’t Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’s author Louis de Bernieres? I have the book in my wishlist.
    Anyway, have fun with the challenge! 🙂

  2. Roof Beam Reader says:

    Amazing list – are you going in order, or is that just a coincidence so far? 🙂

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